Interest Groups

Interest Groups

Interest Groups provide an opportunity for TAC Members with shared interest to meet and share knowledge informally.  There is no formal class with an Interest Group unless arranged by the participants.  Typically an Interest Group meeting will include sharing of ideas and information and may include informal or 1:1 instruction between participants.  

All members are invited to participate in Interest Groups.  It is not required to pre-register for Interest Groups and there is no registration fee for Interest Groups.  There may be a kit or supplies fee for some Interest Group projects.  Check the monthly calendar for meeting times, then stop in to learn more about the group or contact the current coordinator:

Bag Lady Sundays

Lynda Schuler, 480-329-9934

Sandy Meko, 480-789-2234

Cheryl Anderson, 480-203-0625

Karol Hoff, 701-226-9800

Rhonda Rausch, 602-818-5218
Vicki Tjeerdsma, 605-464-1365

Jean Phillips, 530-640-0278